
Yorba Linda : Council Acts to Curb Adult Businesses

Calling future restrictions of adult entertainment businesses a matter of “urgency,” the City Council has asked the Planning Commission to review ordinances from other cities and hold public hearings as swiftly as possibly.

With their request to city staff, the council hopes to avoid a situation similar to one Placentia council found itself in last week.

Placentia last Tuesday approved what officials called a “strict” ordinance regulating peep show establishments. That same night, Placentia turned down a businessman who had requested permission for such a business, which has small booths for individual screenings of adult movies.


While the applicant’s attorney walked away from the meeting vowing he would both resubmit his request and file a lawsuit, the about 175 residents who overflowed outside the Placentia council’s chamber walked away satisfied following an emotion-filled meeting.

Fearing that such a business could request permission to move into Yorba Linda, Councilman Henry Wedaa asked that the Planning Commission review ordinances from Costa Mesa, Fullerton and Newport Beach as quickly as possible. “There is an urgency in putting this together,” he said.

In other matters, the council last week gave final approval to an ordinance regulating the use of skateboards and roller skates.


With a goal of avoiding accidents, the council adopted a law which, among other things, prohibits riding skateboards and roller skates on private property in any commercial zone or any roadway other than a pedestrian crosswalk.

To explain the new law, the council decided to distribute letters to school children and their parents.
