

Times Staff Writer

Will attend activities honoring the late Martin Luther King Jr. in Los Angeles and Pasadena on Saturday.

Assembly Committee Action:

Bicycle Helmets: The Assembly Transportation Committee approved a bill (AB1019) by Assemblyman Jack O’Connell (D-Carpenteria) to require youngsters under 4 years old to wear safety helmets when riding as bicycle passengers. A 9-2 vote sent it to the Ways and Means Committee.

Senate Bills Introduced:

Lawyers: SB1543 by Sen. Robert Presley (D-Riverside) would strip the State Bar of its power to discipline lawyers for misconduct and transfer jurisdiction to a 15-member commission dominated by public members.


Miscellany Lots of Unusual Litter: Maintenance crews of the state Department of Transportation picked up a record 155,000 cubic yards of roadside litter last year, including such unusual items as a wild boar’s head, a 5-foot-tall papier mache rhinoceros, dentures, a sailboat mast, packages of both illegal drugs and $100 bills, a U.S. Navy depth charge and a side of beef.

Assemblyman Changes His Mind: Assemblyman Phillip D. Wyman (R-Tehachapi) thought it over and decided to seek reelection next year instead of running for the GOP nomination for state controller, a post now held by Democrat Ken Cory. “I want to serve where I am really needed,” Wyman said.
