
Deputy Public Defender Appointed Court Commissioner

Deputy Public Defender Joseph F. De Vanon has been appointed a Glendale Municipal Court commissioner by the judges of the Glendale Judicial District.

De Vanon, 35, replaces Cheryl Krott, who was elevated to Municipal Court judge in February. His appointment is effective Friday.

De Vanon has been a public defender for Los Angeles County since 1977. Since January, 1985, he has been in charge of Los Angeles County deputy public defenders for Glendale Municipal Court.


De Vanon has also been deputy in charge of the Pasadena juvenile office and deputy for Superior Court trials in Pasadena.

Glendale Municipal Court has three judges and one commissioner. A commissioner has the same power as a judge once parties involved in litigation agree to the commissioner’s jurisdiction.

Commissioners earn $65,559 a year.
