
Malibu Route

Responding to the letter written by Hyman H. Haves (Feb. 27), in which he calls for an alternate Pacific Coast Highway route: I’d like to remind him that the residents of Pacific Palisades and Malibu fought hard to prevent a cross mountain, or ridge route from destroying the beauty and tranquility of the Santa Monica Mountains and our community.

The inconveniences that we put up with are but a small price to pay for the beauty and seclusion that we enjoy, and since Haves has chosen the secluded Highlands for his home, he should learn to accept the limitations, and not call for the flattening out of more mountains, or the paving of more stream beds.

After all, one can always move to the areas where the creations of nature have already been destroyed. But, please keep in mind, many of us prefer our surroundings with a generous touch of nature.



Pacific Palisades
