
Bob Longway Heads Engineer Contractors

Bob Longway, president of Robert B. Longway Inc., Hacienda Heights, has taken office as 1986 president of the Engineering Contractors’ Assn.

Los Angeles County Sheriff Sherman Block installed Longway and the association’s other officers at a dinner meeting at the Industry Hills Sheraton.

John Bebek Jr. of G.R. McKervey Inc., Irvine, is the new vice president; Nick Lee of NLE Inc., Irvine, secretary, and Norma Gilliard of W.H. Gilliard Co., Los Angeles, treasurer.


Contractor directors are Greg Antonovich, Vic Beecher, Don Brage, Bob Castongia, John Colich, Les Davies, Jan Earnest, Alan Ludwig, Elco Miramontes, Paul Scott, Mike Spadier, Joe Valverde and Les Weed. Affiliate directors are: Phil Babcock, Ron Kaelin, Bernard S. Kamine and Tom Malloy.
