
Mountain Lions’ Fate

I attended the Fish and Game Commission hearing on the mountain lion in San Diego on April 8. There are no words that can describe my feelings as I sat there listening to people testify for and against the hunting of the mountain lion.

What super power gave us the right to decide the fate of another species? What would people say if we were deciding the fate of another race of humans?

The issue of the mountain lion will be decided by a biased pro-hunting Fish and Game Commission, the members of which were appointed by pro-hunter Gov. George Deukmejian. There are absolutely no valid reasons to hunt the mountain lion. The issue here is sport hunting. Should we allow for these animals to be tracked down with dogs and then shot out of a tree?


In California, only 3% to 7% of the population are hunters. Should we let this minority decide the fate of another species?

It is my opinion that the Fish and Game Commission be made up of elected members, or at least include members who are not hunters. That way, maybe an unbiased decision can be made.

In April 8, the commission decided to study the issue for another year. However, another hearing will be held in Long Beach on April 25, the outcome of which may be quite different. It is unfortunate that these animals cannot represent themselves at the hearing.



San Diego
