
Organizing to Meet the Needs of Homeless and Hungry

To read of Anaheim’s rejection of a shelter for homeless families both saddened and angered me.

I first learned of the proposal of Christian Temporary Housing Inc. in February and was much encouraged that someone was planning to do something practical and positive for homeless families.

How naive of me to believe the proposed shelter had a chance, but I did! The project might have become a reality to be duplicated by others.


We are talking about food and shelter, basic human needs, and the assistance proposed was for families, some with children.

Is there no longer a public conscience?

Homelessness is a national disaster. That it exists to such a degree in this affluent county seems to me a social disgrace.

Anaheim is my home. I want to see it meet the challenge of doing something visible and concrete for the homeless among us.


I want to believe that Anaheim Planning Commission Chairwoman Charlene Le Claire was serious in her commitment to “take an active role in finding a new site” in Anaheim for sheltering the homeless.

Hands Across America was a beautiful concept. But lofty concepts have no real meaning until they are validated by action and deed.


