
El Cajon

San Diego County sheriff’s deputies cited eight El Cajon area youths Wednesday after an early-morning vandalism spree that followed a post-graduation party for high school students.

Deputies received more than 100 reports of vandalism in the Mt. Helix and Casa de Oro areas, including damage to 40 street signs, mailboxes and newspaper vending machines.

Residents of unincorporated sections of the El Cajon area initially told deputies they heard shots being fired by the teen-age party goers. But officers later concluded that the noises were caused by mailboxes and other items being hit with lead-filled baseball bats.


Deputies cited six 18-year-old students and one 17-year-old from Valhalla High School, and an 18-year-old student from Granite Hills High School. All had reportedly been drinking before the rampage. They were released to the custody of their parents.
