
Team Scores a KO at Bridge Tourney

A bridge team captained by Dallas expert Malcolm Brachman won the Knockout Team Championship on Tuesday by 187 to 143 international match points over a team led by Brian Glubok of New York, ending the 14-day North American Bridge Championships in Toronto.

Other members of the victorious team were Paul Soloway of Mill Creek, Wash., Bob Goldman of Highland Village, Tex., and Mike Passell of Richardson, Tex., all winners with Brachman of the 1979 world championship, and added experts Ron Anderson of Carrolton, Tex., and Mark Lair of Canyon, Tex. Teamed with Glubok were Billy Cohen of Montreal, John Schermer of Seattle and Neil Chambers of Schenectady, N.Y.

In the finals of the Women’s Team Championship on Monday night, the team of Jo Morse of Silver Spring, Md., Evelyn Levitt of Wilmington, Del., Sharon Osberg of San Francisco, Peggy Sutherlin of Alameda, Cindy Bernstein of Bryan, Tex., and Sally Wheeler of Houston won by 148 to 139 points over the team of Rama Linz of Beverly Hills, Kerri Shuman of Monrovia, Beth Palmer of Silver Spring, Md., Cheri Bjerkan of Elmhurst, Ill., and Lynn Deas and Juanita Chambers, both of Schenectady, N.Y.


The results of the two matches were disappointing to Neil and Juanita Chambers, but they set a bridge tournament record by being the first married couple to get to the finals of the two North American team championships.

With a total of 21,075 tables in play, the 1986 Summer North American Championships in Canada became the biggest tournament in bridge history.
