
Week in Review : MAJOR EVENTS, IMAGES AND PEOPLE IN ORANGE COUNTY NEWS : CITIES : Officers Who Shot Up Office May Be Fired

Times Staff Writer Steve Emmons compiled the Week in Review stories

Seven off-duty Santa Ana police officers may have gathered atop a parking structure during the early morning hours of June 18, and five of them, possibly celebrating the end of rookie probation, may playfully have fired off some shots.

Among those shots may have been the two bullets that pierced the window of county Supervisor Roger R. Stanton’s nearby office and lodged in an opposite wall.

But Deputy Dist. Atty. Maurice L. Evans said last week that he hasn’t enough evidence to prove it, and so no criminal charges will be filed in the incident.


Police department sources said, however, that the officers involved still have a rough road ahead. The sources said an internal police investigation determined that five of the officers actually fired shots. Two of them have resigned, and the other three have been formally notified that they may be fired.

It was unclear what might happen to the two officers who were present but did not fire any shots, sources said.
