
Church Responds

Over the last several months, there has been a great deal of interest and controversy generated by Bishop Leo T. Maher’s statements on the issue of school based health clinics. As spiritual leader of the Roman Catholic Diocese of San Diego, he has raised his voice of moral concern about this issue. In a number of instances, the impression has been given that the Roman Catholic Church is being naive or obdurate in its view of adolescent pregnancy. This perception is inaccurate, as it fails to recognize the range of services the church has involved itself in over the years.

Education on behalf of life has led to the development and implementation of at least three different programs in the diocese: Sex Respect, Reverence for Life, and Sexuality, Commitment and the Family. The quality and usefulness of these education tools are recognized by many segments of society. Several grade and high schools are using these materials as well as other pro-life curriculum guides in the diocesan school system.

Mercy Clinic and volunteer physicians and other medical care providers are available to provide pregnancy screening services at various sites throughout the county. Birthright and the Pro-Life League of San Diego both operate 24-hour telephone hot lines to assist concerned women who might be pregnant.


Support services are available for those who are pregnant and in need, including counseling, foster care homes and residential homes. The Single Pregnant Women Programs of Catholic Community Services offers all of the above services. St. Clare’s Homes are located in Escondido and available for North County residents. CCS also offers licensed adoption services to those interested.

Certainly more needs to be done to address this complex problem. However, the Catholic Church does not speak in a vacuum but has sought to provide a range of responses. The call to life is a challenge not simply to prevent the establishment of school-based health centers but to provide a comprehensive network of support to young women who are pregnant.


Catholic Community Services

San Diego
