
The Region - News from Sept. 4, 1986

After hearing testimony from more than two dozen people about a Labor Day weekend beach riot, the Huntington Beach City Council voted to appoint a nine-member panel to review how the incident was handled and to suggest plans for next year. Testimony ranged from criticism of how police handled the huge crowd to commendations of their efforts. Meanwhile, officials are investigating reports that some of the youths involved in an Easter riot in Palm Springs and a Fourth of July riot in Newport Beach may also have been involved in the Huntington Beach melee. Palm Springs Police Sgt. Jon Clem said all three riots began with similar incidents: Girls or women were attacked and then disappeared. “What happened to these girls?” he asked. “Are we being suckered?” Ten officers and about 30 beachgoers were injured in Sunday’s melee. Crowds burned police cars, broke into a lifeguard station and hurled rocks and bottles.
