

Having lived as an American in Paris for four years, mingling with the aspiring expatriate literati, I was interested by Elizabeth Venant’s “The Third Wave: Paris’ Expatriate Literary Scene,” Sept. 21). I was, however, disappointed that the one publication that has been around longer than either Passion or Sphinx was not mentioned.

Bob Bishop is the editor of the Free Voice, circulation 7,000, which is the only connection some Americans in Paris have with their counterparts. He has published interviews with Peter Brook, Jean-Luc Ponty and Anthony Burgess. It is more a newsletter than a tabloid like Passion, but it does appear monthly, and its staff, rather than being incestuous, is a combination of permanent fixtures and transient writers.

Frankly, I found the atmosphere of the Free Voice more friendly and less pretentious than any other publication around, and just as pie-eyed about Paris as anyone else. I should know, I worked there.



