
‘County’s Quality of Life’

What an enlightened “Commentary” by Councilman Dave Baker (Sept. 14) on preserving Orange County’s “Quality of Life”! Correctly noting that growth per se is not the issue, rather the byproducts of that growth, he went on to say that “each of us must develop a broader perspective beyond ‘my’ home, ‘my’ place of employment or even ‘my’ city to foster the regional cooperation needed to accommodate opposing points of view.” No truer words could have been written on the subject.

More importantly, no truer words could have been written on the subject of preserving the “quality of life” for an area much larger than Orange County--planet Earth. The kind of thinking that is most threatening to the quality of life--indeed the existence of life itself--on our planet is that which does not see beyond “my” country. In the nuclear age the preservation of our planetary life-support system must take precedence over all other considerations, including parochial nationalisms.


South Laguna
