
Supreme Court and Independence

As a seeker of truth and justice, and as a student of the media, I must hereby assert myself to protest the abuse of the term “independence” by the judiciary and the media.

Warren Christopher in his article (Editorial Pages, Sept. 23), “Justice Grodin’s Fair-Weather Friend,” uses the terms “independent judiciary,” “judicial independence,” and the word independence several times in his defense of the Gang of Three.

Chief Justice Rose Elizabeth Bird uses these same terms and ideas constantly in her defensive campaign.


It is time to set the record straight. The concept of “judicial independence,” as it exists in the constitutions, means only that the judiciary shall be independent from the executive and from the legislative branches.

It does not mean that the judiciary shall be “independent” to do as it damn well pleases. It does not mean that it shall be independent of “We the People,” for we are the supreme power (at least in matters of government in the United States).


