
Kalb Resignation

Your editorial (Oct. 10) “Kalb and Integrity,” brought to memory certain statements made leading up to our invasion of Grenada. I remember the President showing an overflight photo of an airport being built in Grenada, which subsequently became the centerpiece of our concern about the politics of that little country.

To quote the President, this airport was “being financed and controlled by the Russians and built by the Cubans.” Therefore, according to the Administration, we had sufficient grounds to invade. However, contrary to what was fed to the American people, it was revealed that the airstrip had multinational funding and financial guarantees from the British government.

I, for one, have little confidence in statements made by some in the political community. To some “misinformation” is a way of life. They have the ability to make people “feel good” by this practice. At the same time, the question to be asked of the news organizations and their people: Are you to become, or have you already become willing and complaisant tools of a popular administration in campaigns of deception?


In order to have respect for the integrity of our news organizations they must do more than an occasional editorial regarding probity--they will have to employ it in dispensing the news--regardless of who may occupy the White House. The public expects truth from a free press; it should not receive less. To receive less creates a cynical skepticism regarding news organizations.

In this era of subterfuge and deceit, it is very refreshing to have State Department spokesman Bernard Kalb stand for the principle of integrity. Let us have more Bernard Kalbs.


