
Beveling Edges Makes Drywall Repair Easy

There’s no substitute for experience, as reader Preston L. Hill of Westminster points out.

He read the Sept. 21 column on patching holes in drywall and putting fingers to word processor (discernible by the dot matrix printer he uses), came up with an improvement on the instructions.

Hill said that according to an experienced drywall worker he knows, cutting the wallboard on a 45-degree angle when removing a section provides support for a patch between studs. It also can be used where the studs are exposed, as shown in the drawing above.

When you cut out the repair patch from scrap wallboard, cut a matching bevel on it. The inserted piece is supported, so it doesn’t fall through.


Hill says that cutting a bevel is more difficult than cutting on a 90-degree angle, but a saber saw with an adjustable shoe plate--both of mine are so equipped--can be used to simplify matters. Too, the bevels don’t have to be geometrically perfect, just good enough to provide support for the patch.

Suggestions like this from readers are welcome.

It’s not too early to be thinking about holiday gifts for woodworkers and do-it-yourselfers. A book or two is always in good taste.

Especially recommended are the latest four offerings in the “Fine Woodworking on . . .” series from The Taunton Press, publishers of Fine Woodworking magazine. The four are: “Fine Woodworking on Hand Tools,” “Fine Woodworking on Things to Make,” “Fine Woodworking on Wood and How to Dry It” and “Fine Woodworking on Carving.”


Each $7.95, large-format paperbound volume contains 35 or more articles from Fine Woodworking magazine, minus the advertising, of course.

Started 11 years ago, this magazine is the top of the heap in its field. The profusely illustrated volumes have 112 or more pages and--together with the 12 previous books in this series--make up an excellent and economical encyclopedia of woodworking.

The books often can be found in many shops catering to woodworkers, such as Constantines in Lawndale and the Cutting Edge on the Westside, as well as many larger bookstores. They can also be ordered by mail from The Taunton Press, P.O. Box 355, Newtown, Conn. 06470.


Also from the same publisher, I’ve just received a collection of remodeling ideas from Fine Homebuilding magazine entitled, not surprisingly, “Fine Homebuilding Remodeling Ideas” (184 pages, $21.95). There are 43 articles in all, including pieces on restorations, additions and renovations. If you are planning to remodel or restore a house, this compilation would be worth the expense. Many of the photos are in color and are reproduced with care.
