
The Region : 60 Protest Trapping of Wild Condors

About 60 protesters urged a boycott against the Los Angeles Zoo until officials stop trying to capture the three remaining wild California condors and begin releasing those in captivity. The protest in front of the zoo in Griffith Park was organized by two environmental groups, Earth First of Tucson, Ariz., and Earth Island Institute of San Francisco. Spokesman Dave Phillips said a recent court order for removal the last three birds of the endangered species could spell an end to the condor. There are 24 in captivity at the San Diego and Los Angeles zoos, which have been cooperating in a breeding program with the eventual aim of releasing the birds back in the wild. “It’s impossible to protect condors without having a wild condor population,” Phillips said. Phillips charged that the Los Angeles Zoo has been the most aggressive proponent of delaying the release of captive condors.
