
SANTA FE STYLE by Christine Mather and...

SANTA FE STYLE by Christine Mather and Sharon Woods; photos by Jack Parsons and Robert Reck (Rizzoli: $35; more than 450 photographs, 220 in color). Arrivederci Memphis and its postmodern designs; so long kitsch, I’m sure we’ll meet again; goodbye Googie and the flash of the ‘50s, for here comes the natural, honest, time-worn look of Santa Fe, sparkling in the dry crisp air and ambient light of New Mexico’s high country.

The elements of that look--from the raw adobe brick and rough-hewn wood of buildings to the warm coloring and expressive detailing of furnishings and art objects--are lovingly explored in “Santa Fe Style” by Christine Mather and Sharon Woods. Helping considerably to capture and exquisitely present the unique blend of Indian, Anglo and Hispanic design traditions that has flowered at the historic frontier crossroads and trading post are the photographs of Jack Parsons and Robert Reck. Also engaging is the sympathetic, tasteful design of the book by Paul Hardy. The total is an evocative, informative, attractive sourcebook celebrating the increasing popularity of the simple, yet sophisticated Southwest style.
