
The Enrollment Makeup at UCI

Your recent article on the racial mix in UC Irvine’s 1986 enrollment figures completely misses the point when it says Orange County high school students are “willing” to leave this area and go to universities outside of Orange County.

This is a most ridiculous statement. Orange County graduates are being pushed out of Orange County because they can’t get into UCI.

Case in point: Young, female pre-med student, Phi Beta Kappa from San Diego State, with terrific references, hospital experience, a doctor’s office assistant, could not get into UCI Medical School. She was an Orange County resident. Now she’s a student at a medical school in Pennsylvania and wishes she was at UCI.


UCI is becoming increasingly Asian; i.e. 37% of the freshman class. Do we really want UCI to become a predominantly Asian university?

It makes one wonder: If this young girl had been Asian, would she now be at UCI where she belongs?


El Toro
