
You may already know that 250,000...

Number of U.S. corporations whose credit ratings were lowered by Moody’s in 1985: 153.

In 1986: 246.

Portion of consumer purchases in the United States that are paid for in cash: one-fourth.

Average interest rate charged on bank credit cards: 17.83.

Percentage of Americans who say they don’t know the interest rates charged on their credit cards: 25.

Amount consumers paid in higher prices in 1986 because of import restrictions: $65 billion.

Percentage change in the average fare per mile of air travel since deregulation: plus 42.

Market value of an airline landing slot at La Guardia Airport in New York City: $25,000.

At National Airport in Washington, D.C.: $100,000.

Cubic feet of fresh air circulated per minute for each passenger on a commercial flight in 1976: 15.


Today: 6.

Estimated percentage change in long-distance telephone rates since deregulation: minus 17.

In local telephone rates: plus 40

Number of pay phones in the West Bank: 80.

Number of Colombian journalists murdered since 1984: 7.

Number of Colombian judges murdered since 1984: 14.

Percentage of Americans who say that AIDS is God’s punishment for homosexuality: 24.

Bolts of lightning that strike the United States every day: 250,000.

Average number of sperm per cubic millimeter of an American male’s semen in 1929: 100 million.

Today: 60 million.

Portion of 1982 medical school graduates specializing in obstetrics and gynecology who were women: one-third.

Portion of 1986 graduates: one-half.

Percentage of parents who request that their children be excused from sex-education classes: 3.


Percentage of Americans who say that doctors in hospitals should wear white coats: 65.

Percentage of men who are accompanied by a woman when shopping for clothes: 67.

Percentage of prostitutes in India who say their husband or a relative forced them into the profession: 33.

Percentage of French men who say they would like to see Princess Stephanie pose nude in a magazine: 28.

Different kinds of bottled water served at the Bar a Eaux in Paris: 150.

Estimated number of expressions in English for being drunk: 2,500.

Percentage of Americans who take more than five vitamin pills a day: 11.

Percentage of Americans who say they have been to a shopping mall in the last month: 78.

Rank of the outdoors and trains among the unconventional places in which Canadians say they have had sex: 1 and 2.


Percentage of Canadians who say they would prefer Soviet occupation to nuclear war: 50.

Percentage of feature films made in the United States in 1986 that were shot somewhere other than California: 57.

Number of the 38 Broadway theaters that are currently dark: 18.

Number of movie tickets sold in 1986: 1,030,000,000.

Number of videotapes rented in 1986: 1,040,000,000.

Price of a Latin Mass on videocassette: $60.

Percentage of adult Americans who say they have had contact with the dead: 42.

Percentage of American teen-agers who say they believe in the existence of angels: 67.
