

The King is back, and he’s got more moves than ever. Well, you actually make the moves in the Elvis Game, an appropriately glitzy package billed as “the game that allows the legend to live on.” Priced at $35, it’s produced by S. Alden Inc., Kansas City, at the request of the Presley estate, and $3 million in orders are already in (it’s due out in May).

Players start with $10,000 in fake dough to launch a recording career, trying to work their way from the recording studio to Vegas. The winner is the one who first accumulates “the ultimate measure of success--$25 million in cash and a gold record.”

There’s a guitar-shaped playing board (featuring Vegas, Graceland, Hollywood and Hawaii), cardboard 45s, and a diced tumbler labeled “All Shook Up.” The playing pieces: a hound dog, blue suede shoes and a Cadillac.


Company pres Stacia Alden told us that she spurned tasteless ideas referring to the King’s well-publicized drug problems--such as, “Are you going to include needles?”
