
A Job Well Done

The voters and the City Council in Carlsbad are to be congratulated on their successful effort to save Hosp Grove. Last Tuesday’s referendum, in which the pro-grove forces prevailed by a mere 26 votes, also once again points out the often-ignored importance of each and every vote.

Hosp Grove today is 53 acres of eucalyptus trees--of what once was more than 200 acres--at the intersection of California 78 and Interstate 5. In last November’s election, 64.5% of the city’s voters favored a bond issue that would have paid for the city’s purchase of the forest and saved it from planned development. But under state law, that was just about 2% short of the necessary two-thirds majority needed to approve a tax increase.

Because that vote was so close to passage, the City Council agreed to bring the issue back before the voters, this time without a specific financing plan and therefore requiring only a simple majority. To be sure, that is a riskier way to go about it, since now the city must decide how to pay for the $6-million purchase.


No doubt a way will be found, whether it is an increase in the transit occupancy tax, another bond referendum or some other way. What is important is that a beautiful and restful place in a rapidly growing city has been saved for everyone’s future enjoyment.
