
Reagan’s Speech on Iran-Contra Issue

The goals and standards set by President Reagan were right, just and compassionate. The methods utilized by a few overzealous subordinates were wrong, as was the failure of a few of his closest “advisers” who had the responsibility to support him and keep him fully informed, but did not.

That President Reagan is and has been a great leader of our country, by being a champion of the ideals and principles that are the foundation of our country’s greatness, is a proven fact. After years of the liberal and demagogic “leadership” of partisan Democrats we are once again a country bargaining from a position of strength in our foreign affairs, our economy is up and inflation is down.

The President is not a God incapable of error, he is a human being; and anyone who thinks or declares otherwise is a fool.


President Reagan has properly and correctly accepted his level of responsibility in the Iran-contra affair. We should support him fully in looking to the future rather than exhorting past errors.


Simi Valley
