
Waiting in Line Behind a Woman With Coupons

A few weeks ago, I wound up in line behind one of those women you read about, who have accumulated enough coupons to pay for their entire order of groceries. It was unbelievable! Yards of tape totaling up the order, yards of tape subtracting the coupons. The cashier desperately trying to keep track of coupons, expiration dates, correct brands, correct sizes, etc., people leaving the line cursing, some abandoning their carts and leaving the store.

Very few people have the time or energy to wade through the flood of coupons and rebates that pour in every week, yet we are penalized for not using them, because all product prices have been raised to cover the amount of the coupons, the handling, and the fraud.

Wouldn’t it be nice to be able to park your car at a supermarket lot in a slot wide enough to open the door without hitting the car next to you, shop in a clean store with uncluttered aisles, pass through a functional checkout, be able to read the prices on the scanner against the glare from the windows, pay your money and leave?


Highly unlikely . . .


Santa Ana
