
‘Overriding Democracy’

Your comments with respect to Gen. Secord’s testimony before the congressional committee investigating the “Iran-contra maneuver” delineate the concern that many thoughtful citizens have about this tragic issue.

One sentence you use epitomizes the fear that many of us share concerning the “enlightened righteousness” of such intelligent and persuasive militarists as Gen. Secord. It is “ . . . a clear train of thought: The democratic process is inadequate to cope with situations that require the clear vision of a military man.”

President (and general) Dwight Eisenhower told this country in one of his final statements as our President to beware of the “military-industrial complex” of power. Is this episode not germane to that concern of Eisenhower? Consider Secord, North, Robert McFarlane, Poindexter in their respective roles as militarists in power, not to mention the late CIA director William Casey and Atty. Gen. Edwin Meese III. Clearly, as you say, there is ample reason for all of us to share the concern of President Eisenhower.



Pacific Palisades
