
Local News in Brief : Rock Star Tom Petty’s Home Damaged in Fire

Fire caused about $1 million in damage to the Encino home of rock singer Tom Petty on Sunday morning, destroying the second floor living quarters and attic, fire officials said.

A housekeeper was treated by paramedics at the scene for minor burns on her hands. Petty was home when the fire broke out about 11 a.m., but escaped unharmed, fire officials said.

Ten fire companies responded to the blaze, fearing that fire would spread to dense vegetation and brush surrounding the house on the 4600 block of North Encino Avenue. But firefighters were able to contain the blaze to the structure, extinguishing it in less than an hour.


The cause of the fire had not been determined. Fire officials estimated damages at $400,000 to the structure and $600,000 to contents.

Petty and his group, the Heartbreakers, rose to fame with the 1979 album “Damn the Torpedoes.” The album sold 8 million copies around the world.
