
I have never understood the allure of...

I have never understood the allure of female wrestling, but considered it a harmless if chauvinistic spectator sport until watching an episode of Channel’s 13’s “Gorgeous Ladies of Wrestling.” I was sickened. After brutally beating and humiliating “Mount Fuji” and “Little Fuji,” the “Heavy Metal Sisters” chained one, put the other in a straitjacket, shoved pizza down Mount Fuji’s throat and torched her toes. The look of humiliation on Mount Fuji’s face as the tears streamed down her cheeks was too eloquent for words.

The entire fight was accompanied by laughter, shouts and jeers from the audience. This program aired from 10 to 11 a.m. Saturday morning. What are young children going to think when they see this barbarism? It makes no difference if the show was staged. It was degrading, humiliating and inhuman. Are we telling our children it is OK to beat, threaten, torch and humiliate others? And people wonder what is wrong with the younger generation.

Mary E. Kane, Los Angeles
