
Yorba Linda : Committee Formed to Oppose Jail Location

Worried that county officials consider Gypsum Canyon the best site for a proposed 6,000-bed jail, the City Council on Monday announced formation of a committee to organize a grass-roots citizen campaign against the proposed location.

In a written statement, the council said the five-member committee of Yorba Linda residents will recommend specific actions the city can take “to stop the jail from becoming a reality in Yorba Linda’s backyard.”

Gypsum Canyon, possibly in combination with Coal Canyon, is one of four primary sites the Board of Supervisors is considering for the massive jail. The two adjacent canyons are south of the Riverside Freeway and east of Anaheim Hills.


The City of Orange has expressed opposition to another proposed site, Fremont Canyon. Residents near the remaining two sites, Irvine Lake and Chiquita Canyon, also oppose having a jail nearby.

The supervisors are expected to pick one of the four sites next month.

The City Council said the Gypsum Canyon site is less than a mile from nearly 4,000 homes under construction in Yorba Linda and is even closer to proposed development in Anaheim Hills.
