
The Nation : House Votes $28.5 Billion for Airports

The House approved legislation to authorize about $28.5 billion to improve the nation’s airports and air traffic control system, a measure made popular by a summer of airline passenger complaints about service and concerns for safety. The bill, approved 396 to 0 and sent to the Senate, authorizes spending $8.6 billion for airport improvements and construction, $9.3 billion to modernize the air traffic control system, $9.5 billion to pay part of the salaries of air traffic controllers and other federal aviation workers and $1 billion for research and other programs over five years. For fiscal 1988, which began Thursday, it authorizes spending about $4.9 billion for aviation projects, about a 33% increase over the $3.7 billion provided last year. The actual money would have to be provided in later appropriations bills.
