
Mobile Home Owners Endorse 3 Candidates in Ventura Election

The Ventura City Mobilehome Owners Coordinating Council announced Wednesday that it is endorsing incumbent Councilmen John McWherter and Russ Burns and attorney Richard Francis in the Nov. 3 municipal election.

“I think Russ Burns and John McWherter have done a good job on the council. We really didn’t find any reason to replace them,” said Meryl Addison, chairwoman of the coordinating council. “And we picked Richard Francis because . . . we think he has the people of Ventura at heart.”

The mobile home owners council, composed of representatives from the city’s 10 mobile home parks, leads what is widely regarded as the most influential voting bloc in municipal elections.


An endorsement from the group can command an estimated 2,000 to 3,000 votes, as much as a third to a half of the margin of victory in recent municipal elections.
