
Assessing the Presidential Candidates

Listening to the 12 presidential contenders on NBC (Dec. 1), I might as well have been listening to someone trying to sell me a car. What a pack of schmoozers . How easily we could apply a commercial tag to much of what was said:

--(Republican) Alexander Haig on fighting Commies in the Western Hemisphere: “Oh, what a feeling!”

--(Republican Sen.) Robert Dole on improving the impending INF treaty: “Quality is job one!”

--(Democrat) Bruce Babbitt on knowing when to literally stand up against the deficit: “We build excitement!”


And of course:

--(Democrat Rep.) Richard Gephardt on clearly stating his record on the 1981 tax cut: “It’s gotta be a Dodge!”

Hey, (New York Democratic Gov.) Mario Cuomo--think any of them are “Cars that make sense?”


Los Angeles
