
INF Treaty and Arms Control

I’m all for treaties, but let’s be sure to ask ourselves when was the last time the Soviet Union honored one.

Glasnost seems to be coming along fine and Americans love to believe and be gullible but again let us be wary of past promises made by the Soviets. They declared they would rule the world. Remember? They even said they would bury us.

If they continue to work on glasnost , we might let our guard down and believe them. But let’s take a good look at the global map. We find that they have almost accomplished what they set out to do. They have pretty nearly made good on their threats. They are close to our borders.


They continue to “liberate” Afghanistan. Their ominous presence is felt far and wide with constant fear of spreading. Refugees stream into this country to rid themselves of the bondage of communism. They proclaim that they want peace, but how about freedom?

Let’s not be in a rush to let down all our defenses.


Los Angeles
