
A Contradiction to Dr. King’s Quest

In response to the article entitled “Uneasy Carson Tries to Edge Away From ‘Rougher’ Compton” (Southeast / Long Beach sections, Jan. 17), I am appalled.

In light of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s birthday, this article conveys an attitude that is in complete contradiction to what he lived and died for. Dr. King brought blacks together and pooled our various resources to improve conditions for all. Many people protested, marched, boycotted and died for desegregation. What is so unfortunate is that Carson is calling for segregation from their own people. Blacks against blacks.

I must say that people who live in glass houses should throw no stones. There are certain areas in Carson that are no better than certain areas in Compton. Furthermore, if Carson is beyond reproach, then why are patrons afraid to shop in the Carson Mall?


The two cities could go on exchanging insults all day, but that is not the issue. Instead of thinking that your so-called middle-class Carson families are too good to be associated with “rougher” Compton families, you should focus your energies on trying to assist those less fortunate.

All other races pull together to help one another. Hispanics pull together and sometimes live 10 to 15 people to a home to work and pool resources to make life better. Asians patronize their own businesses to help build and expand their socioeconomic status. But we as a black race cannot wait to downgrade other blacks as soon as we think that we are one step ahead of the other.

How can we expect to carry out Dr. King’s dream when all we do is put each other down? How can we expect any other race to respect us and take our striving for equality seriously when we ourselves cannot treat each other equally?



