
Local News in Brief : Junior High Drug Busts

The “Just Say No!” anti-drug message seems to be getting through to students, officials at a Rancho Palos Verdes school said in disclosing two drug busts at their campus.

Nancy Carlson, principal at Dodson Junior High School, said the busts themselves didn’t amount to much--six students altogether, buying or selling tiny amounts of marijuana.

But the Los Angeles Unified School District campus in the upscale area rarely catches youngsters dealing drugs, and in this case officials were aided by students who turned in four youngsters now transferred or facing expulsion.


“I think it’s very encouraging,” Carlson said. “The kids know better than anyone what is going on and they want to do their part to help stop it. Reporting drug abuse is beginning to catch on.”

Nevertheless, the students who turned in their peers want to remain anonymous, she said, noting, “It’s a sad commentary on the times that the kids can’t openly oppose drugs.”
