
Sen. Bergeson and Bolsa Chica

Now that the Huntington Beach City Council has apparently withdrawn support for state Sen. Marian Bergeson’s environmentally destructive SB 1517 for 5,700 houses, a marina and a navigable channel in the Bolsa Chica wetlands, one wonders, what next?

The Times last year reported that Bergeson had backed off from the bill. Why? Voters opposed it. They saw the bill letting the developer, Signal Co., have its unfettered will with Bolsa Chica, profiteering by dismantling a migratory bird and wildlife sanctuary.

Recently, the senator began reactivating the bill. But now comes word that the senator has backed off again. Her aides claim she’s not. Confusing. What’s the true story?


One wonders, too, whether the League of Women Voters, which implied it would study the bill, has done so.

And if it has, has the league by chance concluded that the senator’s appetite for development smothers care for environmental quality?

When things cool down a bit, will the good senator be on deck again, batting for Signal Co.’s SB 1517?



Laguna Beach
