
World Bank

Your call for support of increased funding for the World Bank is to be congratulated (editorial, “The World Bank Works” April 9). Being the largest organization for Third World development aid, its capacity to make a difference in the lives of the world’s poor is immense.

World Bank funding for small-scale agricultural projects directed towards increased production by poorer farmers, support for primary health care through clinics, village banking for micro-enterprises, and basic education, particularly female literacy, all directly affect the very worst off in our world and because of relative low costs, can affect the lives of millions--actually saving many.

A letter to World Bank President Barber Conable supporting his efforts to follow through on the bank’s commitment to greater lending targeted directly to the world’s poorest sector has already been signed by more than 120 representatives and 38 senators (including California Sen. Alan Cranston and 20 California representatives) with more to come. Clearly, Congress believes in the power of the World Bank to alleviate the worst aspects of poverty--its true mandate. Any support we can give will serve to aid that effort.



North Hollywood
