
Video Reviews : ****Excellent***Good**Fair*Poor : <i> Recent releases, reviewed by Times critics.</i> : Movies

<i> Compiled by Terry Atkinson</i>

** 1/2 “The Untouchables.” Paramount. $89.95.

“The Untouchables” has a great look, two big action set-pieces and a pair of performances by old-pro smoothies Sean Connery and Robert De Niro, which might be reward enough for moviegoers tired of the jangling assault of current movies. But what you never get from this film , although its technical side is exemplary, is the sense of cumulative corrosion that must have overcome Eliot Ness (Kevin Costner); instead, director Brian De Palma’s straight-Arrow-collar hero has a private life so stultifyingly dull you suspect De Palma and screeenwriter David Mamet of sly satire and you brace yourself for the kicker that never comes.
