
Selecting the Presidential Candidates

It is galling for Democrats surely, but the glow our national well-being is very bright. The President, who leads, guides, and inspires us, reflects no bad news. No one is running the shop with intensity or tension. The President is relaxed, the White House staff busily writes speeches for the boss to acclaim the good news.

Each morning our leader approaches the unpleasant duty of reading the papers by attacking the comic section and ignoring the gloomy reporting on public affairs, not even reading his own remarks as reported in the press. And some of these contain pithy phrases thought up by hirelings as marks of presidential acumen.

Amid this peace within the confines of the White House, the Republicans can look forward to an easy victory in the fall elections. Their candidate is the President’s coat holder who is assuring us that he won’t change a bit of this pleasant euphoria and good times. The upper- and middle-class spenders need only to relax and avoid rocking our luxurious boat as they spend themselves into even greater security.


The money machine hums along, and every aspect of life improves by the week. Congratulations to us all!


Newbury Park
