
Curfew Law to Be Used to Curb Gangs

Times Staff Writer

Juveniles who repeatedly violate the city’s 10 p.m. curfew or are excessively truant from school will be targeted for tougher treatment under a six-month pilot program in northeast Los Angeles aimed at disrupting gang activities, authorities announced Tuesday.

Habitual offenders will face Juvenile Court charges and could serve several days in the county’s Central Juvenile Hall if a judge finds them in contempt of court, Dist. Atty. Ira Reiner said at a press conference. In extreme cases, Reiner added, parents might also be prosecuted on misdemeanor charges for failing to control their children.

Reiner and police officials conceded that efforts to incarcerate juveniles or their parents would take place in only a handful of cases. But publicity from “a few good examples will strengthen the hand of the Police Department,” Reiner said.


Program Could Expand

If successful, the get-tough program, which will initially cover an area including Eagle Rock, Mt. Washington and Silver Lake, would be expanded to other areas, said Reiner and Assistant Police Chief Robert Vernon.

“There’s a clear connection between curfew and crime and truancy and crime,” said Vernon, explaining the reason for the crackdown.

Since 1902, Los Angeles has had a law prohibiting youths under 18 from being on the streets after 10 p.m. unless accompanied by an adult. In the last year, the obscure law, which does not call for jail sentences, has been enforced sporadically.


Ignoring the Curfew

Authorities say some juveniles have ignored the curfew since after being taken to the police station they are simply released into the custody of their parents.

But as a result of a recent state Supreme Court decision, Reiner said, repeat offenders can eventually be jailed for contempt of court for several days if they refuse a judge’s order to follow the law.

“It’s not a big stick, but it’s a stick,” Reiner said.

Under the pilot program, the county Probation Department also will place a probation officer at the Northeast Station to counsel violators and their parents immediately after the youths are picked up for violating the curfew.
