
Hotel Rates for a Golden Summer

As part of its Golden Summer program, guests of Hilton Hotels can get a rate of $59 a night at more than 160 sites through Sept. 5.

The $59 rate is good for both single and double occupancy and represents about 30% to 40% off regular rates.

Children stay gratis. There is no system-wide age cut-off point determining when children stay free.


All guests, under this program, receive complimentary continental breakfasts each day. These breakfasts are only provided at the hotel’s coffee shop and not through room service.

Cities with Hiltons offering the $59 rate include Chicago; Portland, Ore.; Sacramento; Dallas; Houston, and Washington, D.C.

About 80 Hilton properties at resorts and other locations are offering special Golden Summer rates that are higher than $59 but are still less than regular rates.


There are two key restrictions: Your stay has to include a Saturday night at most of the participating hotels, and reservations have to be made at least a day in advance.

You can stay for as many as 10 nights under these special rates. As the offer is capacity-controlled, the sooner you make your booking the better your chances of getting a room at these rates.

Westin Hotels is continuing its Westin Weekend program until the end of the year with 50% off regular rates at participating properties in the continental United States and Canada on Friday, Saturday and Sunday nights.


This discount is good for single or double occupancy. Children 18 or younger can stay free with a parent or guardian.

Although reservations are required, they can be made on the day of your arrival. This discount also is on a capacity-controlled, space-available basis. Accordingly, the number of rooms available under this program can vary from hotel to hotel and from weekend to weekend. Early reservations are a good idea.

For more information about these programs contact travel agents, Hilton at (800) HILTONS or Westin at (800) 228-3000.
