
Longtime Grocer Lon B. Smedley Dies

Lon B. Smedley, a resident of San Diego since 1912 and a longtime wholesale grocer, died last Thursday at his home on Mission Bay at age 97.

Smedley, a native of Indiana, was first attracted to the area because of reports of sweet-smelling orange blossoms and pleasant weather, said his grandson David G. Smedley, a San Diego attorney.

The elder Smedley was a one-time co-owner of Southwestern Grocery Co., with offices in both San Diego and Tijuana, and was active with the Klauber-Wangeneheim Grocery Co. His grocery dealings lasted from about 1920 to 1945, his grandson said.


Smedley was commodore of the Mission Bay Yacht Club in 1945-46.

Within two years of his arrival in San Diego, Smedley married Ruth Gifford, a San Diego native and daughter of pioneer Charles Gifford. They were married 66 years and had four children. Mrs. Smedley died in 1980. The Smedleys lived in Kensington for 22 years before moving to their cottage on Mission Bay.

Smedley is survived by two daughters, nine grandchildren and six great-grandchildren.
