
Obituaries : Eileen L. Norris, Philanthropist, USC Benefactor

Eileen L. Norris, who with her late husband erected monuments to the arts, education and medicine, died Tuesday night at Huntington Memorial Hospital in Pasadena.

The wife of Kenneth T. Norris, founder of Norris Industries, was 86.

Several examples of the Norris largess can be found at USC where the Eileen and Kenneth Norris Medical Library, the Eileen and Kenneth Norris Dental Science Center and the Eileen Norris Cinema stand.

Mrs. Norris also was a founding trustee of a charitable foundation named for her and her husband, who died in 1972; a lifetime member of the Assistance League of Southern California and a board member of the USC Town and Gown.


Services are scheduled at 1 p.m. today at the Wee Kirk of the Heather, Forest Lawn, Glendale.
