
Times Sports Section Named in AP Sports Editors’ Top 10

The Los Angeles Times was one of six newspapers honored with three top 10 awards last weekend at the 15th annual Associated Press Sports Editors’ national convention in St. Louis.

APSE contest results, announced at the convention banquet, listed The Times as one of the top 10 sports sections in all three large paper circulation categories: daily, Sunday and special sections. The contest does not list 1 through 10 rankings.

Other large circulation papers that were named in all categories were the Atlanta Journal-Constitution, Boston Globe, Minneapolis Star-Tribune and Newsday. Only one paper in the small or middle circulation groups, the Los Angeles Daily News, made the top 10 in all categories.


The only other area sports section honored was the Orange County Register, which was listed in the top 10 Sunday sections for papers with large circulation.

USA Today, which does not publish a Sunday paper, was listed in the top 10 in both daily and special section categories.
