
Shakespeare Fete--a Matter of Support

As longtime residents of Garden Grove, we deeply resent the actions of the majority of our City Council members to impose their cultural IQs on the rest of the community.

Having moved here in the mid-1950s, we suffered through the “Garbage Grove” days of the city. We have been heartened by the steadily growing professionalism and recognition of the Grove Theatre Company, which has significantly elevated the cultural image of our community.

The inane reference to our “hard hat” status implies that working people have no interest in or need for a variety of art forms and entertainment. Garden Grove citizens are a mixture of different economic and educational achievements and cultural aspirations. Our family, for example, partakes of theater and music opportunities offered in Costa Mesa, Los Angeles and San Diego, as well as Gem Theatre productions and summer Shakespeare in Garden Grove.


We are happy to have our local taxes applied to the city’s very modest support of the Grove Theatre Company, and are really angry with the City Council members who seek to apply their lowest common denominator assessment to the intelligence of this city’s residents!



Garden Grove
