
A Matter of Priorities

The Times had a story on the front page (Part I, June 24) regarding Gov. Michael Dukakis’ chief fund-raiser excited about the very real possibility of raising $50 million for the November campaign. Juxtaposed at the bottom right of the page was another article regarding the $20-million shortfall needed to buy vaccines to prevent children from getting diseases such as measles, mumps and whooping cough.

One has nothing to do with the other. I know that. But somehow I couldn’t let go of the thought that something was terribly wrong with a country that could (and would) spend perhaps $100 million on a political campaign between two men but could not (and would not) find the money to inoculate children against disease.

I hope the man who is elected President this year will be able to inspire the nation in such a way that four years from now the higher priority will prevail.



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