
Search Is On for Patriotic Words, Music

Upon the request of her students, Joan Weinberg, who teaches two amnesty classes, is looking for a cassette that contains words and music to patriotic songs , such as the “Star-Spangled Banner” and “My Country ‘Tis of Thee.” Can you show your stripes (and stars) by coming up with some (Yankee Doodle) dandy ideas, or should Weinberg keep wondering just what kind of “country” music will please those not born in the U.S.A.?

We made a mistake when we stated that Oliver Crawford needed transparent plastic covers that go around light switch plates on walls. What he’s looking for--and he’s still looking--covers the entire plate, with a small cutout for the switch itself. Perhaps this will shed enough light on the subject to spark a current source.

Elizabeth Perreault of Hollywood is still on the hunt for something that will keep the grooved rubber tips on her cane from slipping on wet pavement. She also says that small berries get caught in these grooves. Can you keep Perreault from experiencing further slippage, or will she just have to hope that it never rains on her parade?


Reader-to-Reader Help Line: Michele at (818) 341-2359 is in dire need of discontinued Laura Ashley queen-size Devonport bedding in sapphire blue and white ; she’d like a comforter, sheets and pillow shams; please see to it that she gets rid of the blues and rests easy.

Note: The Reader-to-Reader Help Line is only for one-time items or for products no longer available in stores. And you must give us written permission to publish your telephone number, so that others may contact you directly.

The hopes of Lois Demmon of Encino, who wanted a three-quarter-inch curler with a 3-inch perforated metal tube and a lip, have not gone down the tube. (This may be of value also to Marie Klein of Hollywood, who was looking for a similar item.) We heard from several people who have a number of such curlers, so if either of our two readers (or anyone else) is interested, please send us a stamped, self-addressed envelope and we’ll forward the addresses right off the top of our head.

Pat Fitzgerald of El Toro, who was looking for metal ice cube trays so that she could freeze homemade baby foods, is probably cooking on all burners by now. Florence Matsumoto of Whittier and H. Sherman of Los Angeles have provided her with some of these trays. But 12 other readers also told us they had some metal trays to give away, so if anyone else is interested, send us a stamped, self-addressed envelope before the trail goes cold.


In addition, Mrs. Lloyd McDaniel of Oceanside suggested that thrift stores (like the Salvation Army or Goodwill) often have these metal trays; they get them from old refrigerators donated to them. And Alyce LeBlanc of Banning says metal trays can be found at swap meets.

May Harzman of Van Nuys, who was looking for a bead store, now has lots of them to take a bead on. Right in her neighborhood is Gallery Line Imports, 17640 Sherman Way, Van Nuys (from Bonnie Weinstein). Just a few blocks away is the Trimming Hut, 12111 Sylvan St., North Hollywood (from Gloria Lee and Janine De Vore). And another mile or so down the road is Artistry With Beads, 2225 W. Olive Ave., Suite A, Burbank (from Barbara Hall, Bonnie Weinstein and two other readers). Herb Hain cannot answer mail personally but will, space permitting, respond in this column to readers who need--or have--helpful information. Write (do not telephone) to You Can Help!, You section, the Times, Times Mirror Square, Los Angeles 90053.
