
Attack of the Movie Location People

I realize that location filming is a natural phenomenon in the world of Hollywood, but the consequence to a neighborhood is upsetting, to say the least.

The “action” in question centered around the production of a film called “Tales From the Hollywood Hills II” at 1318 N. Orange Grove Ave., located in a quiet R-1, single-family-zoned community just west of Hollywood.

For two days prior to the filming, the entire street was posted with “No Parking, Tow Away Zone” signs. Then massive trucks took over the street (including the largest toilet vehicle I have ever seen) and an army of “pseudo-sophisticated” individuals moved in who seemed to get an inordinate amount of time to stand around, chat and drink coffee.


The first day’s harassment included an official-looking policeman who was not going to allow me to drive down my block to my house and my driveway, but that was not as serious as the production people who, without my permission and while I was away from my home, pulled a “For Sale” sign from my property because they were shooting a “street scene.”

The question arises, did the New York production company rent the house at 1318 N. Orange Grove Ave. or did they rent the entire block, sidewalk, street and my property? And if so, who received the money and should it not go to help in paying my property taxes?

Next day was even more traumatic, the street with all its production people and equipment made my home look bad enough to a prospective buyer. But when my real estate agent arrived on the scene with a young couple who were possible purchasers, again the harassment by the production people and the police took place.


Again I was not at home, but luckily, or unluckily, my agent fought her ground and showed my house. However, in her estimation, with all the confusion and excitement in the normally quiet neighborhood, the deal had little chance of developing.

I intend to complain to EBC Productions, but I wanted to caution homeowners to consider their community and neighbors when making a few bucks renting their house for a location company.


Los Angeles
