
On Drugs and Morals

Drugs and alcohol are an ill in our society. There is no beneficial or advantageous side to the issue of recreational use, as Bill Steigerwald writes. Nor is there any need for a TV program “engaging in a genuinely enlightening analysis on the topic.”

If, as he writes, “millions of drug users might actually enjoy taking drugs” and “use them responsibly without becoming addicts,” can he show us who those millions are who he believes will never at any time in their lives be adversely affected?

And if those people did exist, what of their families? Their work colleagues? Their crime victims?


Steigerwald calls the ABC TV network too conservative to consider the joys of the drug use of those millions. How sophomoric of him.

Even if his assertions about drug use had any validity, where is it written that a media presentation must present all possible sides to an issue? Steigerwald purports to be a writer, but apparently he has not heard of the journalist’s right to a point of view.


Beverly Hills
