
The State - News from July 22, 1988

The insurance industry asked a Sacramento judge to order the state’s trial lawyers to identify themselves as the sponsors of an insurance initiative that calls for rate regulation and opposes no-fault. But Judge Anthony De Cristoforo Jr. declined to consider the suit brought by the insurance industry’s “Citizens for No-Fault,” pending a formal decision on the dispute by the state Fair Political Practices Commission. The suit asks the court to bar the California Trial Lawyers Assn. from “masquerading as ‘consumers’ and ‘insurance reformers.’ ” The trial lawyers contend that while lawyers have given most of the money supporting Proposition 100, others, including banks, medical practitioners and consumers have also contributed. The new name of the committee is “The Good Driver Initiative, Sponsored by a Consumer, Legal, Financial and Health Coalition/Yes on Proposition 100.” The old name was “Consumer Insurance Reform Coalition.”
